Today Hero MotoCorp has launched the 2020 model of Hero Passion Pro and Glamour motorcycles in India. The updated version of Hero Passion Pro and Glamour has been launched in two variants – Drum and Disc brake. The 2020 Hero Passion Pro will be available at a price of Rs. 64,990 (Drum variant) and Rs. 67,190 (Disc variant) while the Glamour range is priced at Rs. 68,900 and Rs. 72,400 for drum and disc options respectively. Both the bikes come with a new engine, new features along with the BS6 emission norms. Both the motorcycles come with the company’s new XSens fuel injection technology, which helps in higher fuel-efficiency, better acceleration, and a smoother ride.
The company said that both the 2020 Passion Pro and the Glamour get all-new engines. The Hero Passion Pro is powered by a BS6 compliant 110 cc single-cylinder engine which generates a max power of 9.02 bhp at 7,500 rpm and a peak torque of 9.79 Nm at 5,500 rpm. According to the company the updated Passion Pro offers 9 percent more power and 22 percent more torque as compared to the older version. The 2020 Hero Glamour is powered by a 125 cc single-cylinder petrol engine which generates a max power of 10.73 bhp at 7500 rpm and a peak torque of 10.6 Nm at 6000 rpm. The engine comes mated to a 5-speed gearbox instead of a 4-speed unit.
The Passion Pro gets new styling with 4 new color options. The model on the stage came in the new triple tone yellow, silver and black shade with ‘Pro’ letting used as decals for the tank. The bike comes with Hero’s new diamond frame with a 25 mm longer wheelbase of 1270 mm, along with increased suspension travel and ground clearance, that now stand at 120 mm and 180 mm respectively, an increase of 15 mm in both cases. The bike comes with features including new H-pattern taillamp, revised headlamp, and black alloy wheels.
The 2020 version of Glamour comes with new split-5-spoke alloy wheels, digital-analog instrument cluster with realtime fuel efficiency details and i3 technology. The bike also gets auto sailing functions. The Glamour now comes with increased suspension travel of 14 percent upfront and 10 percent at the rear. The bike also comes with a new 100/80 mm wide rear tyre and an increased ground clearance of 180 mm.
21.4 - 27.4 Kmpl
24.3 Kmpl
20.4 - 25.2 Kmpl
24.3 Kmpl
23.1 - 31.8 Kmpl
15.3 - 21.4 Kmpl
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