The Mahindra has launched the all new Mahindra Alturas G4 in India. The new Mahindra Alturas G4 has been launched at a starting price of Rs. 26.95 lakh (ex-showroom, India). Mahindra’s new flagship SUV will be available in two variants – Alturas G4 2WD and Alturas G4 4WD. The four-wheel drive variant Alturas G4 4WD has been launched at a price of Rs. 29.95 lakh. The all new Mahindra Alturas G4 is the most premium flagship SUV by Mahindra. In India, the Mahindra Alturas G4 will compete with the rivals Toyota Fortuner, Ford Endeavour, and Skoda Kodiaq.
At first, we saw the SsangYong G4 Rexton at the Auto Expo 2018 which was the display version of the Alturas G4. These are almost similar with few changes. The main differences are the new grille with a bold and attractive Mahindra signature logo. The all-new Alturas G4 SUV comes with HID headlamps with integrated LED daytime running lamps, along with an aggressive front bumper which comes with a second set of LED DRLs which act as cornering lamps as well.
The Alturas G4 gets a set of ORVMs with integrates turn signal lights, 18-inch alloy wheels, and large roof rails. The rear section gets a set of wraparound LED taillamps, a roof-mounted spoiler with integrated brake lights, and the Alturas G4 has its name lettered just above the loading lip.
Under the roof, the all new Mahindra Alturas G4 is powered by a 2.2-liter, four-cylinder, BS-6 ready diesel engine which generates 178 bhp at 4000 rpm and a peak torque of 420 Nm at 1600-2600 rpm. The engine is mated to a 7-speed automatic transmission. The new Mahindra Alturas G4 has not been announced in the petrol version yet.
Inside the cabin, the Mahindra Alturas G4 gets leather finished door trims and soft-touch dashboard, a sunroof with anti-pinch function, dual tone Nappa leather interior and LED cabin lights. The SUV also features 3-zone climate control, a 7-inch fully-digital instrument cluster, electronic parking brakes, an 8-way power adjustable driver seat, and more. The SUV also features an 8-inch touchscreen infotainment system with Android Auto and Apple CarPlay, 3D view camera and rear parking assist, rain sensing wiper smart power tailgate and more. The Alturas also comes with 9 airbags, ABS + EBD, Electronic stability programme, ARP, HDC, HAS, BAS, and ESS.
21.4 - 27.4 Kmpl
24.3 Kmpl
20.4 - 25.2 Kmpl
24.3 Kmpl
23.1 - 31.8 Kmpl
15.3 - 21.4 Kmpl
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