Mahindra has finally launched new TUV300 Plus which is a long wheelbase version of the TUV300 SUV. The new TUV300 Plus has been launched at price of Rs. 9.47 lakh (ex-showroom, Mumbai). Mahindra TUV300 comes in three variants P4, P6 and P8. The Mahindra TUV300 is a bit bigger then previous model and now it can accommodate 9 people. Mahindra TUV300 comes in five colors options- Majestic Silver, Glacier white, Bold Black, Dynamo Red and Molten Orange.
Veejay Ram Nakra, Chief of Sales and Marketing – Automotive Sector, Mahindra said, “The TUV300 has enjoyed a successful run since its launch in September 2015, with close to 80,000 vehicles on road. We are now pleased to introduce the TUV300 PLUS for customers who are looking for a true-blue SUV with more space & more power. The TUV300 PLUS will appeal to buyers looking for an SUV that compliments their aspirations and lifestyles.”
The length of TUV300 has been increase by about 405 mm and now the TUV300 Plus measures 4400mm in length while the width measures at 1835 mm, the height measures at 1812 mm and the wheelbase remains the same at 2680 mm. The bigger size of the Mahindra TUV300 Plus is biggest USP. Extra cargo space can be converted into extra space for a bigger group of people. The 16-inch wheel provides aggressive and upward stance of the TUV300 Plus. In terms of look The new TUV300Plus is similar to the standard TUV300 apart from few changes including the new wraparound taillights at the back.
Under the hood the TUV300 Plus is powered by a 2.2-litre mHAWK diesel engine in place of the 1.5-litre engine on the standard TUV300. The engine generates max power of 120 bhp and a peak torque of 280 Nm, and mated with a 6-speed manual transmission.
Inside the cabin the Mahindra TUV300 Plus gets the 7-inch Touchscreen Infotainment System with GPS navigation and 4 speakers + 2 tweeters, Bluesense App, ECO mode, Micro Hybrid Technology, Brake Energy Regeneration Technology, Intellipark Reverse Assist, AC ECO mode and Driver Information System.
21.4 - 27.4 Kmpl
24.3 Kmpl
20.4 - 25.2 Kmpl
24.3 Kmpl
23.1 - 31.8 Kmpl
15.3 - 21.4 Kmpl
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