Today Maruti Suzuki has added a new CNG variant in the portfolio of Wagon R hatchback. The new Wagon R S-CNG Variant has been launched at a starting price of Rs. 4.84 lakh for LXI and goes up to Rs. 4.89 lakh for LXI (O) (ex-showroom, Delhi). The 1.0-liter engine has been equipped with the company-fitted CNG kit which offers a best-in-class mileage of 33.54km/kg. The factory fitted Wagon R S-CNG vehicle comes with standard warranty benefits and convenience of Maruti Suzuki’s service network spread across India.
Introducing the new Maruti Suzuki Wagon R S-CNG, R.S. Kalsi, Senior Executive Director, Marketing and Sales, Maruti Suzuki India Limited said, “At Maruti Suzuki, we continuously strive to offer products that are technologically advanced and environment-friendly. With Wagon R S-CNG customers will be able to enjoy the benefit of 26 percent better fuel economy than the outgoing Wagon R CNG and superior technology which is safe, reliable and environment-friendly.”
While running on petrol the 1.0-liter engine generates a max power of 67 bhp at 5500 rpm and a peak torque of 90 Nm at 3500 rpm. when the car is running on CNG, the engine offers max power of 58 bhp at 5500 rpm and a peak torque of 78 Nm at 3500 rpm. The engine is mated to a 5-speed manual gearbox as standard. In terms of features, the car gets the same equipment that the regular LXI and LXI (O) trims get.
The company fitted CNG kit that comes with the Wagon R comes with dual ECU and intelligent-Gas Port Injection technology which delivers a calibrated quantity of fuel to the engine, which provides more efficient fuel usage, active pickup, and superior drivability. Furthermore, the CNG tank has been fitted is a bit lower now aiding in improved vehicle dynamics. Also, the car now comes with both an automatic fuel change switch and a fuel level indicator offer comfort and convenience.
According to company around 15 of the company’s best sales come of its CNG range, which currently includes 7 models – Alto800, AltoK10, WagonR, Celerio, Eeco, Super Carry and Tour S.
21.4 - 27.4 Kmpl
24.3 Kmpl
20.4 - 25.2 Kmpl
24.3 Kmpl
23.1 - 31.8 Kmpl
15.3 - 21.4 Kmpl
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