Renault India has launched super hero edition of its budget car quid in India. The Superhero edition has been launched at a starting price of Rs. 4.34 Lakh. Company has developed this edition based on Marvel avengers theme. This is the second time a new edition launched by company in same year. At start of January Renault has launched Live For More’ Edition 2018. The theme of cars, Renault has launched today is based on superheros Iron Man and Captain America.
There are two models : first one is Iron Man edition and second one is Captain America edition. The cabin gets a red colored center console in the Iron Man Edition, while the Captain America one gets a blue colored one. The Superhero Edition of the Kwid comes with 1.0-litre engine option. The Superhero edition will be available only in limited numbers. The bookings for the car has already started and deliveries would be started with the release of the Infinity War movie by Marvel Studios. The company will also be showcasing both superhero models of Quid at the upcoming Auto Expo 2018.
The Renault Kwid continues the same configuration of engine. The Car is powered by 1-litre engine which generates max power of 67 bhp and a peak torque of 91 Nm. Engine is mated with a 5-speed manual and the AMT gearbox. There are only cosmetic updates in the car.
Image source : CarAndBike
21.4 - 27.4 Kmpl
24.3 Kmpl
20.4 - 25.2 Kmpl
24.3 Kmpl
23.1 - 31.8 Kmpl
15.3 - 21.4 Kmpl
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