The Maruti Suzuki has launched the facelift of Baleno for 2019 in India. The updated version of Baleno has been launched at a starting price of Rs. 5.45 lakh for the base petrol Sigma trim and the prices goes up to Rs. 8.77 Lakh for the top-end petrol automatic variant. Base trim for diesel started from 6.60 lakh and goes up to Rs. 8.60 lakh for the top-end Alpha variant. Baleno is the best selling in the segment and did not get any update since last four years.
the 2019 Maruti Suzuki Baleno comes with a new Bumper which supports a wider center air-dam and air ducts on both the sides which are surrounded by C-shaped profile. The grill has got a three-dimensional detailing and slightly tweaked which makes the face wider.
The lower band of the chrome gets less sharp edges and more angular to make a perfect shape of the grill. The new Maruti Suzuki Baleno comes with a new set of dual-tone 16-inch alloy wheels while the side and rear profiles largely remain unchanged. The updated Baleno will be available all previous color along with two new color – Phoenix Red and Magma Grey.
Inside the cabin, the new Baleno is same as the previous version in terms of design and finish. It continues with the all-black theme with silver and blue shades. The infotainment system gets Maruti’s newly developed Smartplay Studio. The new infotainment system provides the latest music, surf news, get the latest updates on weather along with the Apple CarPlay and Android Auto. Users can customize the interface through the 7-inch touchscreen system. Users will get better driving experience with multiple media support and navigation.
The updated version of Baleno is powered by 1.2-liter petrol and 1.3-liter diesel engine options. Both the engines are mated to a five-speed manual transmission. The petrol version will also be available in a CVT automatic variant. The Baleno comes with a bunch of safety features including dual airbags, ABS (Anti-Lock Braking) with EBD (Electronic Brake-Force Distribution), ISOFIX child seat mounts and Rear parking sensors.
21.4 - 27.4 Kmpl
24.3 Kmpl
20.4 - 25.2 Kmpl
24.3 Kmpl
23.1 - 31.8 Kmpl
15.3 - 21.4 Kmpl
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